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What is TechTalk In defia Team?

When working remotely or hybrid, internal team communication becomes crucial. We enhance this with monthly events and educational sessions called TechTalk. What is TechTalk? In short, it's a weekly gathering where a team member discusses a topic of their choice. These can be held in-person or online and come in different formats.

One type is a casual talk where someone shares how they overcame a challenge in their project. Another is a presentation on a chosen topic, like the one on smartwatches that recently inspired our team. The third type is a workshop. We usually meet at the office for these. The presenter explains the topic, followed by a hands-on session.

A few months ago, Hilal chose to discuss photogrammetry, a field she specializes in. We gathered at the office, listened to her engaging presentation, and then modeled our teammate Efe. The result was impressive.

Efe modeled with Agisoft Metashape screenshot
Efe modeled with Agisoft Metashape

During TechTalks, we not only have conversations but also learn new skills and knowledge. This helps us propose different solutions when faced with various challenges. Even if someone isn't an expert on a topic, hearing terms like "Pino" or "photogrammetry" gives them some understanding. By including each other in the learning process, we make knowledge more permanent. As Benjamin Franklin said, "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn."

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